Session Listing is Up!

Event Schedule from the 2014 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence

Event Schedule from the 2014 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence

We have recently added the listing of sessions that will be offered this year at the Convergence. We are very excited about the workshops and presentations being offered this year as many of them are different from last year. The Convergence will be held on a rural farm but we will be offering session that focus on the urban environment as well.

I would like to extend a big thank you to all of the people who submitted proposals and we look forward to learning from you, our wonderful session leaders. For details regarding the sessions please check out the "Sessions" webpage.

Deliberate Living Systems

We would like to send a shout out to one of the supporters of the Convergence. Deliberate Living Systems mission is to improve lives through landscapes. They provide Landscape Analysis and Design and Consulting Services with specialties in Permaculture and Arborist Consulting. Located in Medina County, Ohio, Deliberate Living Systems is an important component in the Permaculture movement. Make visit to their website to check out their services along with an excellent blog and additional educational media. 

Planning Team Meeting

We will be having our next convergence planning team meeting this Thursday. This is an important meeting as we will be reviewing submitted presentation proposals. I have skimmed the submissions and they look wonderful.

Once we have the presentations chosen, presenters will be contacted to work out details regarding time slots and other specifics. If you have been thinking about submitting a proposal please do so now. Presenters will be provided with a basic media package that includes digital copies of a poster along with other marketing materials to help promote the convergence.

Stay tuned because things are going to start to heat up!

Care Tent

We will be setting up a Care Tent at the convergence this year. This tent will provide first aid and will assist with medical needs during the convergence. The Care Tent will be headed up by Day Host-Jablonski who is a medic and herbalist. This will be one of the upgrades for this years event and will help to ensure people feel comfortable while attending.